
Carry Feature #009
@moody_edc – Elliot Hyndman

From Manchester UK, Elliot spends his days working in the public transport sector, making hanks, and taking awesome photos of his everyday carry.

Eliot Hyndman_Moody EDC Carry Feature
Eliot Hyndman_Moody EDC Carry Feature

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Carry Feature #009

Elliot Hyndman

Welcome to our Carry Feature series where we feature a member from our community and dive a little deeper into who they are and why they chose the items that make up their everyday carry. Want to be featured? Submit your photo here (Google account required)!

Feature Q&A:

Q: Tell us about yourself. Who are you? What are you doing for a living? Where are you from?

A: Hey, I’m Elliot and I live in Manchester in the UK.  I work in the public transport sector and am also the brainchild behind Firefly 15 hanks. I would consider myself a photography enthusiast and low key freelancer.

I’ve been an active part of the EDC community on Instagram for a good few years now. I initially started posting on my personal account, but since having a child, I wanted to lock that down for privacy reasons. I had recently started making handkerchiefs in my spare time so I created a profile for that. This both fueled my gear addiction, but more importantly introduced me to a bunch of great people, many of whom I consider friends. Late last year I decided I wanted a seperate account for EDC pics vs handkerchief sale pics, so Moody_EDC was born. Since then, I’ve thoroughly enjoyed being able to put a little thought into the pictures that I post, making them the best I can.

Q: What’s in your photo? 

  • Northwoods Lincoln Jack:
    I’m a big fan of Northwoods knives, and they are really collectible, which feeds my collective needs perfectly. This is one of my favorite 2 models and is dressed in green micarta.
  • Great Eastern Cutlery #14:
    Great Eastern Cutlery (GEC) makes some of the finest slipjoints out there. This model is a particularly small knife, so isn’t everyone’s cup of tea. It is also dressed in green micarta so compliments the Lincon Jack perfectly.
  • Burnley Cypop:
    These Cypops are great. Not only do they look great, but they are perfect for opening a chilled beer on a warm day. This is the Contra version, so it has a 2nd layer on the opposite side. Brass on one side, micarta on the other. Practical and aesthetically pleasing.
  • Michael Morris x EDC CoOperative Pry Bar:
    Michael Morris is a renowned knife maker who repurposes metal files to make knives and tools. This Pry bar was made in collaboration with EDC CoOperative.
  • Firefly 15 Handkerchief (Buy Here):
    As I already mentioned, I make the handkerchiefs for Firefly 15. I made this combination as a gift for Junya at @the.owl.edc and liked it so much I made myself one.
  • Musk and Hustle, The Commuter (Shop Brand):
    I have paired a few of my favorite Nitro Stubbies with this keychain holder to make a more practical carry. My favorite scents at the moment are 20, 24, and 204.
  • Spades Goods Leather Wallet:
    Pavol at Spadegoods is a great leatherworker. I was lucky enough to get one of his early pieces. The color and grain on this leather is insane!
  • ITWG Hail The Egg Patch:
    I’m not a huge fan of patches, but I am a huge fan of Star Wars. I’ve been a fan of Michal’s work for a long time so I pick up a piece every now and then.
  • Log and Jotter Notebook:
    I’ve been a subscriber to L&J since the very early days and I have never once looked back. They have been incredibly supportive of me so I don’t see me stopping supporting them any time soon.
  • BigiDesign PHX-Pen (Shop Brand):
    I have more BigiDesign stuff than I can shake my fist at, but there is so much more I want. This is one of the latest pens they launched on Kickstarter and is actually an updated version of one of their first pens. It’s great that they have been able to go full circle, and I can’t wait to see where they go next.
  • Brass Dice:
    These are some generic Brass Dice I picked up on ebay. They’re beaten up to hell, but they look great!
  • Leather Notebook Holder:
    I got this from a chap on Etsy. It’s really well made and is super soft leather.
  • Leather Keyring:
    This is from the same seller on Etsy. Unfortunately, I don’t think he is active on Instagram and in the EDC community.

Q: What is your favorite community photo from someone else’s profile? Why?

Rambler Made Tracker Everyday Carry Photo

This has been a real hard question for me to answer. I’ve taken some time to mull over it, and finally, I remembered this shot from Peter over at Rambler Made. There is something about the simplicity of it; it’s a flatlay, it’s a lifestyle image and it projects a message, all in one well-rounded image. It’s an image I wish I had taken myself. 🙂

As a side note, this question has made me realize that I should utilize the ‘saved’ feature on instagram more.

Q: Of the knives you currently own, which one is your favorite?

A: That’s a real tough question. I have a nice collection of knives at the moment, I consider myself to be a knife collector as well as an edc’er. I really like my Tanto Sebenza 21 from Chris Reeves Knives, but unfortunately due to UK knife laws, it doesn’t get a whole lot of pocket time. Likewise, I have a Mike Reed PITS mk.4 which is a really nice knife but is a little on the large side for my preference. If I was to pick a favorite from all the knives I own, it would probably be my Red Jigged Bone Harrison Bay from Northwoods knives. It’s a great little knife. Little being the prevalent word. It’s one of the smallest in my collection.

Q: What’s in your camera bag when you start prepping for shots? Do you have a creative process?

A: Currently, for the majority of the pics on my feed I use a combination of a Nikon D7200 with a Sigma art 24-105mm f4. I don’t so much as have a creative process I work through, but I do occasionally jot down some ideas and try and work through them if and when I have time. I’m a big fan of flatlay styles, so a lot of my pictures tend to be in that style, but I occasionally try something a little different.

Q: What’s in your dream carry and why?

A: I’m not really sure to be honest. If there were no restrictions and an unlimited budget, I’d probably be looking at:

  • Sebenza 21, either with a micarta inlay or one of the funky indented scales
  • Felhoelter Baby Dragon
  • Notorious EDC Beer Bomb
  • BigiDesign Bit Bar
  • Combat Beads MOAB
  • Wasteland Oddities Zippo

I would couple these with a couple of items I already have:

  • Beaver Bladeworks Black OC
  • Northwoods Harrison Bay / Lincoln Jack
  • Burnley cypop

Q: Who is your favorite gear maker?

A: I have a lot of favorites. I’m a big fan of bottle openers and CahpTools, Fxtl and J Woytaz Bandicoots are my favorite. All 3 of these make great tools. Andy over at Beaver Bladeworks does some of the best Swiss Army Knife mods I’ve seen.

A buddy of mine, Matt over at Terrierleather makes some of the best leather gear I’ve had the privilege of owning. Pavel, who you may know from Picaroon Tools amongst countless other brands is outstanding. He has helped me out with a couple of custom pieces, some of which I have sent to the market, so I can’t not mention him.  He deserves every bit of praise he gets.

I also can’t not mention the guys over at Musk and Hustle. I’m not sure if they were aiming for the EDC market when they kicked off, but I haven’t seen anyone hit the ground running as fast as they have. They’re a fantastic pair and they make incredible things.

Q: What are your go-to #everydaycarry Instagram pages?

A: Raven_the_pirate – I can’t not mention Sam. I got to know Sam a little in the early days of his account. I think he started that page around the same time I started Moody_edc. He is an amazing person with one of the best eyes for product photography I’ve seen in a long time.

Instafr4nk – Frank has been a big player in the EDC scene for years. You know what you’re going to get on his feed: an amazing pocket dump with amazing gear. And to top it all off, he’s a great guy!

EdcCooperative – This page has a whole host of great content and is run by a great bunch of guys (shameless plug, as I’m one of them). Since starting this page, I’ve had the pleasure of meeting some fine folk and it’s really done wonders in regards to connecting like-minded people within the EDC community.

Q: Any last comments?

A: I just want to thank Novel Carry for giving me the opportunity to introduce myself. I love the EDC Community and I feel honored every time somebody likes or comments on anything I produce. So, thank you!

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